Friday, February 27, 2009

100 Day Challenge Rocks On - 1st Month Results

Ok folks, I'm going to gloat for a bit here because February was a tremendous month for me. Not only did I get a whole lot accomplished, but I feel amazing about those accomplishments. Yea yea, go ahead and laugh at me all you want for patting myself on the back but here goes why I say these crazy things. Read this and THEN decide whether or not to laugh...
  • I discovered a new Holiday - Ontario celebrates what is called Family Day the same weekend as Valentine's Day. Wow - this new holiday makes SO MUCH MORE sense to me than the V-Day one. I did have a famous rap star wish me a happy Valentine's Day though which I thought was quite cool. LOL I went to the East Coast that weekend to spend a few days with my family. To update all who may be curious about that: My brother proposed to his girlfriend on Valentine's Day (hahaha I teased him for being so unoriginal); My brother also bought himself a motorcycle! That was SOOOO my idea! LOL; My youngest niece turns 1 year old next week - she's gotten so big so fast; My other niece turns 5 in April; My mom and dad are excited about this Anthony Robbins seminar I'm sending them to in a few weeks in New Jersey. YAY FAMILIA! xoxo
  • I still over-working myself full time as usual with my regular 9-5er but those who know me best know that I only do this because I absolutely LOVE what I do, and as a result, it is not work to me at all.
  • Bootcamps on Mon and Wed evenings are gong AWESOME! My measurement results 2 nights ago show me that I turned 3% of my overall bodyfat into muscle, I lost 4 inches in total (0.5inch each arm // 0.5inch each upper thigh // 1inch waist // 0.5inch chest // 0.5inch hips), but gained 5 pounds! Muscle really IS heavier than fat! Geeze!
  • I started going to school Fri. evenings and all-day weekends for my GMAT prep course. I am SUCH a geek... I am having WAY too much fun being back in a classroom again - kinda scary. LOLI took a practice GMAT exam last night which I did a LOT better than expected on so I'm excited about that, but I also got to see where my strengths and weaknesses are as we reviewed the results so I know what to study more and less of over the next few weeks until I write the real exam in April.
  • I wrote my M1 Level motorcycle exam on Tuesday morning, and passed so can now officially drive a motorcycle. Scared yet? hahaha I can only drive it in the daytime, with no passengers though - just a beginner level. And no I haven't even bought one yet. hehehe
  • Somewhere in the mix of all that, I found time to work hard to get my staff situated for my absence next week (I fly out to Europe for a conference on Sunday afternoon in Vienna, Austria) so they know what to do while I'm away. I also did some research on the top 10 things to see and do while I'm in Austria so I'm super pumped about that. I am hoping to get some time to pack and maybe even buy a new camera tonight because I have school all day on Saturday and I leave Sunday. LOL
Sometimes I feel like there are not enough hours in the day! LOL

I am looking forward to a relaxing month of March when I return with only a few classes once a week and bootcamp to worry about. Then I write the GMAT exam in April and start my Motorcycle driving course for the M2 level in April as well.

What's in store for May? Can anyone say GRAND CAYMAN ISLANDS HERE I COME?!?! :D

Ok, ok, before I get WAAAYYY to ahead of myself here -
How was YOUR February???

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My 100 Day Challenge Has Begun

On February 1st, My 100 Day Ultimate Challenge began!!

Jumpstart 2009,

Hold myself accountable

Motivate my team

Build my business

Change my body

Be a better person

The challenge: To be fully committed to improving myself physically, financially, emotionally, and spiritually.

For the next 100 days – I challenge myself to:

1. Take my business and career to the next level, set a new standard, and step up..
2. Be as healthy, vibrant, and energetic as I can be
3. Do a random act of kindness
4. Experience a magic moment and give gratitude.
5. Give myself a gift, do something for myself every day. Self improve and be fabulous!

Some thoughts that were put into setting my goals (which I want to share with everyone who may want to do something similar!):


This can be anything from increasing finances to better time management, set short and long term goals, set one small goal per day and achieve it and you will be amazed at the results from it compounding.

- 100 days from now what improvements do you want in your career or company?
- What obstacles can you see that you will face?
- What are the solutions that you can devise now, so when the time comes you are prepared?
- What superfluous activities and meetings will you simply say no to or delegate so that your energy and time are managed more efficiently?
- What is the new standard that you are going to set for yourself, and your business?

Write short and long term if you’d like, as detailed and specific as possible, and as many as you’d like so you can check off for that sense of accomplishment as it begins.


Everyday make at least one healthier choice to improve your overall wellness. Many of us have identified our obstacles from our Tony experiences, so now is a time to reaffirm our progress and condition our new standards into our lives. 1 day of skipping the cookies doesn’t always make the difference, but 100 days definitely does.

- What areas do you want to improve your health?
- Do you want more energy?
- Do you want more definition?
- Do you want to lose weight?
- Do you want a better sex life?
- What specifically are you going to do to achieve these goals?
- What healthier foods will you choose to nourish your body with?
- What activities do you love to do that will help you feel more alive?
- What has stopped you in the past and what will you finally free yourself from to achieve the health and happiness you deserve?

Emotional & Spitual

Magic moments are everywhere, find the beauty in another person, be appreciative of a gorgeous sunset, dance in your living room, laugh until you cry.

- This can be as simple as a smile to a stranger, a phone call to an old friend, or a random post with a compliment to someone on this site. Anything that would bring a smile to another person.
- Is there someone you have not talked to in a while that a simple phone call could make their day?
- A smile or a joke can be infectious, could you see the benefit of giving a little extra kindness to the cashier or parking attendant?
- Is there someone you could forgive, a burden you could let go of?
- Is there a letter or card that you could write that would inspire another person, or make their heart smile?
- Is there a random act of kindness or good day that you could accomplish that would help another person?
- I believe religion is a very personal matter so all I ask in this challenge is that you spend 5 minutes a day being truly grateful and appreciative for all the amazing gifts in your life.

Give Yourself A Gift and Be Fabulous!!

- Walk by the mirror naked and tell yourself how sexy you are!
- Read a book that could inspire you, or help you to grow in any level.
- Read a blog that may have a piece of insight that could help you in a time of need.
- Take a bubble bath , dance in your living room, dance down the street who cares!
- Listen to your Tony tapes.
- For men, do something masculine and meaningful, ride your motorcycle, race a car, go to the gym, go fishing, have a poker night, do what boys do.

The purpose of this challenge is to improve ourselves, to love, to laugh, and to live!!

Feel free to share your goals, and how I might be able to help support you in achieving them.
