Feel free to view all about my professional experiences to date on online on LinkedIn.
Why such a broad range of interests?
I believe that being wealthy and successful is directly attributed to being healthy, physically fit and energetic.
I see myself as a coach one day and look forward to helping, coaching and mentoring businesses and people alike. My mission through my writings is to reach out to all the other independent beautiful people in the world who make the most of their days and maximize their potential to achieve their dreams.
- Do you feel like your work ethic hampers your ability to take care of yourself physically?
- Do you work long hours and therefor can't figure out how to manage your time for the gym?
- Do you get so caught up in the activities of the day that you sometimes forget to eat?
- Do you sit at a computer all day everyday and watch yourself gain weight and feel hopeless about it?
Well that was me. I used to be able to put a check mark next to each of those questions and more. One day I found myself experiencing what I believe was an anxiety attack (never actually went to a doctor to find out). I woke up soaked in a pool of my own sweat feeling like I was drowning and having a heart attack at the same time (which we women know is all about the massive back pain). It was then that I decided
Enough was Enough!
I had to make a change in my life and I did. After all, if you don't have your health, how can you expect to enjoy and celebrate any other successes you may have in your life?
Here you will find all sorts of intimate details of my experiences and adventures in travel, health, wellness and fitness. These are the things that feed my soul. I'll share the latest tips on health, fitness or beauty, advice I come across and anything else that comes up as I progress in my journey to leading a more fulfilled and therefor a more wealthy life. Wealth is not only defined in monetary terms although I realize that being financially free is an important component to feeling wealthy, healthy and happy. That's why I am working on some financial advising training as well. I want to cover all ends of the spectrum to happiness and fulfillment.
I love life and taking risks, music, traveling, culture, languages, singing, dancing, laughing and learning. I know that if I'm here, there has to be others like me out here too.
Thanks for stopping by and don't be shy to say hi!
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