Friday, February 25, 2011

I AM WHAT I EAT - A new chapter

I've dabbled with the idea plenty of times in the past about going vegetarian or vegan, and a few times I've even succeeded at doing so for a few weeks, but then I'd fall off the wagon. Well here I am today saying Enough is Enough. I want and need to start making better choices in my diet and I truly believe this is the way to do it.

First, let me explain my "wants", my goals and objectives and of course the "why's" that come with them.   Here's what I want to accomplish in the next 3 months. It's important for me to put a time-frame on it because I know myself well enough to know that if I don't schedule it, then it's not real. There are 4 musts in my eyes at the moment and they are:

1. NO RED MEAT - There's nothing like the smell of dead rotting animal corpse. This coming from a Puerto Rican who was raised on meat as a staple to any meal. Unfortunately, not only does eating meat make me want to take a loooong nap immediately after, but I tend to have a really hard time digesting the stuff asI get older. Cramps swell up my tummy and all I want to do is sit around holding my belly complaining about how I feel. I do ok with burgers and a piece of bacon here and there but pork, veal, sausages, steak or anything else - forget it. Aside from the physical trouble I have when I eat red meat, there's also the rational side of me that screams at myself - jesus these animals I've been eating were all fat! How do I expect to eat this shit and not get fat? They're fed pesticides, chemicals and so on in meat factories. How do I not expect all that crap they eat to be passed into my own body if I'm eating them?! Then of course I need to also remember all the horror stories that I've heard first hand from people who've worked in meat plants (my father included) about how the animals are tortured, skinned or boiled alive and so on... that alone is enough to make my stomach turn. If you're interested in any of those horror stories, I'd like to introduce you to the following's a fun read, I promise. LOL

2. NO CHICKEN - I remember once going to a real authentic chinese restaurant here in Toronto and found chicken's feet on their breakfast Dim Sum menu and thinking EEEWW! Who the hell eats the crunchy, deep-fried and battered feet of chicken? LOL Another time I remember I had purchased these pre-packaged servings of chicken cordon blu, which was basically stuffed chicken breasts, breaded. I remember one night I was watching a movie, half asleep and got hungry so I popped one of those bad boys in the oven, completely lost track of time and took it out way too early. It was hot, but not cooked. It was dark in my apartment (had the lights out for the movie) but I started eating it anyway. I got halfway done when I noticed the texture wasn't right. I turned on the light and found that it was still RAW. Yes RAW. Obviously I ran into the bathroom and started trying to force myself to throw up (something I had never done before that night). DESPITE ALL OF THAT chicken continues to be one of my favorite foods, probably because it's So damn easy to eat! Chicken is everywhere as a usual substitution for beef. For me personally, it's too close to red meat for my liking. I digest it without problems but again, I can't help but feel fat and NOT very clean inside when I eat chicken. So if I'm taking meat out, I may as well aim high and take chicken out of my diet as well. It's just as bad and fattening for me as the other stuff. I like a challenge and this will certainly be my toughest challenge yet.

3. NO DAIRY - I expect this actually won't be very hard for me. To be honest, I switched from cow's milk to soy and almond milk many years ago. I  never buy milk or cook with milk anymore. Now I feel it's time to step it up a notch and begin to avoid all the other milky evils which I haven't yet cut out of my diet completely. This includes ice cream, yogurt, cheese (known as the most addicting additive EVER) and a whole lot of other foods which contain milk. Do you realize that we are the only animals on the planet that drink milk from another animal? We breast feed our babies and then wean them off of that drug just to start them off on another drug...from cows? wft? Do you also realize that baby cows also drink their mom's milk? they can gain a TON of weight (literally)? The only reason we drink it is because humans have found a way to mass produce it = more $$. Gimme a break! Milk has grossed me out for a long time, so again, I don't see this being too hard. It's just a matter of finding substitutes for my favourite cold ice cream treats on hot days. They're out there and I plan to explore what they are.

4. GLUTEN FREE LIVING  Last but not least, challening ONLY because this shit is everywhere and very difficult to avoid unless you're very careful and read every ingredient (something you should be doing anyway if you're going to put it into your body). Here's an iteresting article that links to some helpful sites on the subject that I just found today in fact If I've peaked your interest you can always rely on the good ol' dummies books for more information :) 
This is something I have to do. I haven't gone to my doctor about it but let's put it in plain English... whenever I eat anything with wheat or bread (gluten is found to be a substance in wheat which provides that sticky glu-like texture to baked goods - I can't drop the kids off at the pool for a week.   That crap seems to literally GLUE (hence the name gluton) to my intestines and form a wall which won't let anything out. Talk about uncomfortable - my PMS has nothing on this.

So there you have it. These are my choices. I have lots of options. I just need to follow through to begin making informed, smart decisions when it comes time to feed myself.

THERE WILL BE EXCEPTIONS. Yes, call me a pussy all you want, I have a few vices that I'm not quite ready to give up yet. 1. Fish and Seafood. I love it too much and am still reading on the conflicting opinions of medical and holistic practitioners to decide anything on that just yet. Sushi is still my favourite food. LOL 2. Eggs. Again, I just downright love these little round balls of heaven. Frying them, scrambling them, boiling them, poaching them etc... Too good to be true. If I've already lost your attention and am making you think less of me ("like jesus if she's going to call herself a vegetarian, she'd better go veg all the way"). Sorry to disappoint. Who knows, it's not that I would never consider giving up these things in my future; I'm just not prepared to do so now.

I don't know about you, but I'm proud of just these few decisions... that's enough for now. LOL

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Social Media - What's all the hype about?

If you're not familiar with the term Social Media by now you've probably been living under a rock for the past 3-5years.
Here is a SUPER interesting video perspective of a woman who I think is exactly on the right track:

I just love what she has to say about the future of chick flicks! LOL
If you really have no clue what this is about it would be highly recommended that you start looking into it now. I've even provided a few links to useful resources on the subject.
