I also cannot believe how much can happen in such a short month and a half window of time!
As I don't really have much time and energy to post now (but am forcing myself to cause if I don't then I won't lol), I'm gonna keep this to a brief recap:
Work = Excellent. I had an exciting month full of highs and lows that included restructuring and in some cases restaffing (although that's never an easy thing to do...), hiring some new folk and continuing to grow and prosper even in difficult times for the world.
Working out = Not so excellent. I missed 4 boot camp classes this month and am soooo not impressed with myself for that. There were legitimate reasons involved (either clients flown in from abroad or bday parties or other courses that I paid for blending in the mix) but I'm going to really push myself over the next few weeks to make up for that.
Studying = Good. I'm still working on GMAT material, preparing for that exam this year. Nobody said it would be easy (and it's really not! hahaha) but I"m actually kinda enjoying it...god I'm such a nerd.
Other Stuff:
- I bought a house! That's right! I'm officially going to be a landlord!
- I got my M2 level Motorcycle license! That is beyond beginner level for those of you who may not know - I took a Rider Training Institute class and everything and can now ride a motorcycle as fast and efficient as any guy I know.
- I set up my vacation plans for the last 2 weeks of May to go to Grand Cayman Islands! Woot Woot! TIckets are bought and paid for.
- I went to visit some old friends and family in Halifax Nova Scotia - the city I went to university in, but had not been to since...and that was such a long time ago... it was SOO good to see those people and visit my old stomping grounds!
- I am getting a life outside of work! hahaha That might sound weird to some of you, but to those of you who know me well... that's a HUGE milestone for me! I've been meeting all sorts of new and interesting people... and who knows.. romance may be lurking soon! ;)
My list of upcoming things to do include (but are certainly not limited to):
- Training new Staff and setting up proper protocol and polocies
- Buying a motorcycle - immediately if not sooner!
- Working on my new investment house - it's gonna be so pretty when I'm through with it!
- Scuba Diving in Grand Cayman Islands
- SkyDiving at Niagara Falls
- Possibly more romance and socializing... hehehe
This is the year of random folks! If anyone has a crazy or random idea of something for me to put on my To-Do list - by all means! Share these fabulous ideas!
Ta ta!
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