Sunday, November 9, 2008

What's in a Dream?

This morning being Sunday..shared with the fact that I had left my workout DVDs in the office over the weekend AND that I had a friend stay the night last night at my place, left me in a rather comfy spot in my bed this morning, sleeping in and dreaming all sorts of crazy things..

My question to you dear reader is this - what does it mean exactly when you dream of far off places that you have never been to?

Point in mind - this morning I was quite vividly and clearly dreaming about Moscow.

Why Moscow?
I know nothing about the place apart from a few historical facts that I may have come across during my schooling years.
I was clearly there though... exploring....searching...and knowing my way around...

Bizzar? Oh I do hope to be able to blog about my dreams more often... Bizzar is SUCH an understatement...

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