Monday, June 16, 2008

Dance in the Rain

Delicious Eats and Delicious Beats on a Kick Ass boat with a Kick Ass view and a whole lotta Booze = Delicious, Kick Ass Goodness with a Twist!

Funny how I now live INLAND for the first time in my entire life - meaning, nowhere near the ocean... and NOW I begin to experience ultimate boating and cruise ship fun.
Ok fun is an understatement. I had a BLAST yesterday.
Yes, it may be a fresh water lake but it's so big that i'll be damned if it don't feel just as calming and soothing as the ocean. The only difference - it's toooo cold to even conceive of dipping your toes (trust me, I tried... and will never make that mistake twice).

So I was invited to a party cruise on the Empress of Canada boat for 5 hours of party party party and in the end, everything about that trip exceeded my expectations. I'm already signed up for the next one, and can't wait. During the trip, it rained for about 1.5 of the 5 hours. Did that stop us from partying? Hellz no. This boat thought of it all. As soon as the clouds rolled in, plastic was being wrapped around the enormous sound system. A drop here and a drop there, people began to make their way below or under shelter...what did I do? Call it motivation by an extremely cute young lady...she kept dancing...I kept dancing (hahah Makayla you are so much fun!).

Have you ever danced in the rain? I mean, REALLY danced?
If you have, then you know how amazing of a feeling it is... so fresh, so free, so exposed.
If you haven't...TRY IT... go on, LIVE a little.
If you get cold it's only cause you aren't dancing hard enough to warm up your body. hahaha

Anyway, back to the boat. If you really didn't want to get wet, not to worry...2 floors below provided intense house and trance music, each floor with it's own DJ, that made you forget about any problems in the world, let alone a little water falling from the sky.

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