Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Biking With Cars - Part 4 - Oh the Possibilities! haha

So here is the final post about my recent accident, I promise. From here on, I move onto other topics as I prepare for yet another trip to Panama to more than likely get into trouble. ;)

This is the last memorable thing that I can recall about the whole accident thing and my colleague reminded me of it today so I thought I'd share.

When Looking Banged Up Can Bring with it....Assumptions

I was still in the hospital 6 long hours after I got there and they had just finished feeding me pain killers, patching my arm up in a sling and at long last...set me free. At that point, the person who I went with had to go but she called in a replacement to fill in for her to make sure that I got home in one piece from the hospital. I had a bookbag with me (that I couldn't carry very well) and after taking 3 pretty white pills all at once, god knows how drunk I was going to be leaving there.

So my designated male (the importance of him being male will come, I promise) bag carrier and I are walking out of the Hospital and I begin to observe the looks around me... you know... the people who try not to stare but the effort they put into trying so hard not to just makes it so obvious that they are trying to? Wait... maybe that's just my paranoia tendencies talking.... Anyway, people were looking.

That's when I smiled and said to my friend "Hey... you know I look like I was beaten up...", to which he replied "yes you do.." in a non-chalant way as we made our way through the crowd. Then I smiled and said "How many of these people here do you think might think that you did this to me?" and proceeded to get this huge devilish grin on my face....

His face went white... "I never thought of that...but now that you say it....geeze..." was his reply...to which I started in a drunken laughing fit as we walked by a swarm of police officers.

Now please don't get me wrong folks. Abusing women is NOT a funny topic at all...in fact, I of all people can contest to that as I have had the unfortunate experience of witnessing first hand the effects that this can have on women...the ultimate battered woman syndrome. Not a laughing matter... I promise. But the look on Jeff's face when I said that.....now THAT was funny.

Walking out and saying loudly in front of all those cops "Now Jeff, Promise me you will NEVER hit me again!" to see the reactions of people watching and listening never crossed my twisted little brain... I swear.

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